Federal Agency Funding for Community Colleges: Competitive Grant Opportunities

Federal Agency Funding for Community Colleges: Competitive Grant Opportunities
Thursday, September 23, from 3:00-4:00 pm ET
Webinar link: https://internet2.zoom.us/j/91720638758
Join Trivium Consulting for an overview of scheduled and anticipated 2022 funding opportunities for community colleges from the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Commerce, and U.S. Department of Labor. Learn about eligibility, focus areas, award amounts, trends, and strategy recommendations for first-time applicants to specific programs and those seeking to increase their federal grant portfolio. Community colleges and the state and regional research and education networks that serve them are encouraged to join this webinar.
Trivium Consulting is a strategic grant services company, providing counsel and proposal development services to higher education institutions, education nonprofits, research centers, and museums.
- Meighan Maloney, Director of Projects & Content, Trivium Consulting
- Ken Mayer, Director of Strategy & Development, Trivium Consulting
Internet2 Community Anchor Program (CAP) – participating research and education networks and the community colleges (or other interested community anchor institutions) they connect.