MCNC talks cybersecurity at Reedy Creek for Students@Work

MCNC joined students from Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School Center for the Digital Sciences in Cary on Tuesday (March 15) as part of Students@Work.
Students@Work is a statewide, job shadowing and mentoring initiative organized annually by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) and N.C. Department of Public Instruction. MCNC has participated in Students@Work every year since 2011.
Staff from MCNC Vital Cyber led by MCNC Chief Information Security Officer Chris Beal shared cybersecurity best practices with the students as well as introduced them to the exciting and rewarding career options currently available in the field. Read our previous post

Follow and participate in conversations during Students@Work on social media using #studentsatwork, #ncbce and #NCJobReady. You also may follow directly on Twitter @MCNC, @ncpublicschools, and @ncbce.
Thank you to the students and faculty at Reedy Creek for hosting us this year!