HERO Project
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Construction and Splicing Services for MCNC HERO (High Speed Economic for Rural Opportunity) Project funded by the Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant (MMG) Program
Click here to download the RFP
In addition to the RFP, please download and review the following attachments:
- Attachment A: Construction Costs
- Attachment B: Fiber Splicing Costs for Segment Builds
- Attachment C: Informational Purposes Only – Fact Sheet #21 – Recordkeeping Requirements – Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Attachment C: Informational Purposes Only – Fact Sheet #66 – The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA)
- Attachment C: Informational Purposes Only – Poster – Worker Rights Under Davis Bacon
- Attachment D: Anticipated Segment Construction Dates
- Attachment E: Proposal Signature Page
- Attachment G: Sample Construction Agreement
- Attachment G1: Sample Construction Agreement Addendum
- Attachment H: Certification Regarding Lobbying
- Attachment I: Daily Crew Location Report
- Attachment J: Certified Payroll Report – Fillable
- Attachment K1: Final Prints: Winston Salem to Salisbury
- Attachment K2: Final Prints: Salisbury to Albemarle
- Attachment K3: Final Prints: Sanford to Fayetteville
- Attachment K4: Final Prints: Fayetteville to Keansville
- Attachment K5: Final Prints: Keansville to Jacksonville
- Attachment L: KMZ File for HERO Project Route
Question #12 – I don’t see any DC power or battery backup or monitoring components to this bid. Are there any?
Response #12 – All DC Plant, Backup Battery and monitoring device setup is done internally.
Question #11g – What size is the existing conduit? Is the conduit occupied or empty? If occupied, what is the type and size of the cable/s?
Response #11g – The inner diameter of the existing conduit is .75″ and is empty. The type of fiber cable is AFL, Micro LMHD Series with an outer diameter of .48″.
Question #11f – IS over lash specification for single or double lash?
Response #11f – All aerial fiber needs to be double lashed.
Question #11e – Will any Railroad flagging requirements be a pass-through item, or should they be included in the bid price?
Response #11e – The composite price should include all costs associated with railroad flagging.
Question #11d – If the construction completion date goes beyond 4/30/25 due to permitting issues will Liquidated Damages be waived?
Response #11d – If there is a problem beyond the contractor’s control, it should be reported to MCNC, and at MCNC’s discretion, an extension may be applied or MCNC may correct the problem. Therefore, liquidated damages would not apply. However, this is not anticipated to be an issue. Consideration will be given to contractor if contractor is working in good faith throughout the project.
Question #11c – Will 3rd professional traffic control be a pass-through item, or should it be included in the bid price?
Response #11c – The composite price should include all costs associated with traffic control.
Question #11b – Who supplies the Bonding/Grounding Material?
Response #11b – MCNC will supply the bonding material for closure locations and test station leads.
Question #11a – Can we request for an extension for the bid due date to give adequate time for a quality proposal?
Response #11a – Unfortunately, we are unable to alter the due dates.
Question #10h – RFP states “Construction Cost submissions should be submitted separately to the following email address: purchasing@mcnc.org with the subject line Middle Mile Grant Construction Cost Proposal. Cost Proposals and Response Proposals are due at the same time – no exceptions.” Please confirm that proposals should be uploaded to the MCNC website, and “Construction Costs” should be emailed separately to purchasing@mcnc.org
Response #10h – Confirmed
Question #10g – The prints call out for plow in certain areas, is there a quantity of expected plow vs bore by segment?
Response #10g – The estimated totals of plow and bore are specified on the Bill of Materials, which is provided with each segment map.
Question #10f – Is there an estimated vault quantity by segment?
Response #10f – The totals are specified on the Bill of Materials, which is provided with each segment map.
Question #10e – The prints call out for the removal and replacement of sidewalk segments, is there a spec pertaining to this concrete replacement? i.e. Depth, finish. Will any municipality require the installation of studded ramps when a corner flag needs to be removed?
Response #10e – This will be contingent upon the requirements of each municipality, assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Question #10d – The prints outline the route and vault placement in detail, is there any room to deviate from the indicated route and or move a vault location?
Response #10d – Any alterations pertaining to the relocation, addition, or removal of HHs must be communicated to and approved by MCNC in advance. Routes are pre-established and may only be adjusted with approval by MCNC in advance and in accordance with environmental, state, or municipal regulations.
Question #10c – Are there restrictions on the hours that work can be performed in? i.e. overnight work, 9 am to 4 pm working window.
Response #10c – Nighttime and weekend work are permissible solely with written authorization from the District Engineer situated in the county where the work is scheduled to occur, as outlined in NCDOT Special Provisions.
Question #10b – What are the allowable working days during the week?
Response #10b – Contractors are required to comply with NCDOT and Municipal regulations regarding working days and times. Please refer to the Standard and Special Provisions detail, which will be provided with all approved NCDOT permits for each segment. Generally, workdays will be Monday through Friday, with Special Provisions addressing night and weekend work as required.
Question #10a – The composite pricing mentions conduit placement, fiber placement, handhole placement and marker/test station placement. Can an assumption be made that tasks such as traffic control and concrete work fall outside this composite rate and will be paid separately or as a pass through?
Response #10a – All traffic control along with concrete and/or asphalt repair must be encompassed within the composite price.
Question #9d – Items such as railroad, highway, and water crossings will often have separate permits issued which may list unpredicted requirements/conditions. What is the change request process when such things occur?
Response #9d – Typically, these items should be incorporated into your composite per foot pricing proposal. Change requests will only be entertained if they involve route modifications due to environmental or NCDOT permitting challenges, which alter the route information provided in the RFP. Any further considerations required can be detailed separately as outlined in 13b on the Proposal Requirements page.
Question #9c – Should railroad, highway and water crossings, each of which will have unique requirements, be included in the composite pricing, or listed separately in section 13b of the proposal requirements?
Response #9c – The composite per foot pricing proposal must encompass all construction aspects, including but not limited to railroad, highway, and water crossings. Any additional requirements deemed necessary can be listed separately as outlined in 13b on the Proposal Requirements page.
Question #9b – The planned railroad crossings are not shown to have any casing for the conduit. Will this determination be made at a later time? Will casing materials be provided, or will those materials be the responsibility of the contractor?
Response #9b – A 4″ HDPE sleeve will be necessary at every railroad crossing. The cross-view section depicted in all requested railroad permits includes (1) 4″ HDPE Casing and (2) 1-1/4″ HDPE Conduits. MCNC will provide all 4″ HDPE Casing.
Question #9a – On the Winston Salem to Salisbury Plan specifically, there is contradictory information in the Statement of Plan on the Cover Sheet (stating that the minimum depth is 48 inches) and the second call out on Sheet 1 of 252 (stating that the minimum depth is 36 inches). Which is the final determination of overall minimum depth when not otherwise specified?
Response #9a – The minimum depth is 36″ for all segments unless otherwise specified by jurisdictional requirements. Any areas failing to adhere to the mandated 36” depth must be immediately removed and reinstalled, unless MCNC is contacted prior to comprehend why such depth cannot be achieved.
Question #8i – On print numbers 149-151 Fayetteville to Kenansville drawings it shows bore pits in the wetlands. Will bore pits be allowed in wetlands?
Response #8i – No, this section is pending DOT and Environmental approval and is subject to revision.
Question #8h – What is the trigger for MCNC to accept the plant and take responsibility for locating and maintenance?
Response #8h – Upon receipt and acceptance of detailed redlines, including GPS coordinates of all handholds (HH) and splice points, bore logs, fiber sequential numbers (in-out, closure, etc.), as well as approved final fiber splicing test results for each segment described in Attachment B.
Question #8g – Other than redlines, what other deliverables are required?
Response #8g – Detailed redlines, including GPS coordinates of all handholds (HH) and splice points, bore logs, fiber sequential numbers (in-out, closure, etc.), as well as final fiber splicing test results for each segment described in Attachment B – Fiber Splicing Costs for Segment Builds, are required.
Question #8f – Will MCNC allow us to pass through additional permitting costs such as railroad flagger fees, aerial make ready fees, lane or sidewalk closure fees and any other unforeseen fees of a permitting nature?
Response #8f – Contractors are required to incorporate any expenses related to railroad flagger, lane or sidewalk closure fees, or similar charges into their proposed per foot pricing. Make-ready fees will be covered by MCNC during the permitting process
Question #8e – Will MCNC allow us to pass through any concrete or asphalt restoration costs or should they be included in the total price?
Response #8e – All concrete and/or asphalt repair must be encompassed within the total price.
Question #8d – In attachment A, we are including a standalone rock adder fee. If we encounter rock above and beyond the estimated amount in our All-In Composite Price to Include Rock Adder, will MCNC allow us to invoice if approved?
Response #8d – The “All-In Composite Price to Include Rock Adder” must factor in any rock assumed for the entire project at the proposed per foot rate.
Question #8c – Does MCNC foresee 4” conduit being required under the railroad crossings? How about at any of the 16.2 Highway or water crossings?
Response #8c – All railway and Controlled Access (16.2) crossings are required to have a 4″ sleeve. Water crossings will adhere to approved permit requirements.
Question #8b – In regards to the section between Kenansville to Fayetteville, there is a bore 2,820 ft long underneath a low-lying area. Would we have the autonomy to remove NCDOT guard rails to break the bore up, as well as for other bores of similar nature?
Response #8b – NCDOT must grant explicit written approval to the contractor for any temporary guardrail removal of NCDOT maintained guardrails in advance of such action. Such requests typically involve additional lane closure requirements in accordance with NCDOT Workzone Safety Standards and may necessitate the services of an NCDOT-approved guardrail installer to reinstall the removed section.
Question #8a – What allowances do we have to make field changes? Such as moving, adding or removing in-line handholes that are not A or Z HHs, switching sides of the road or switching from underground to aerial or vice versa?
Response #8a – HH (Hand Hold) relocation will solely be permitted in instances of unforeseen ground obstacles. Any alterations pertaining to the relocation, addition, or removal of HHs must be communicated to and approved by MCNC in advance. Routes are pre-established and may only be adjusted with approval by MCNC in advance and in accordance with environmental, state, or municipal regulations.
Question #7 – Will sleeves (4in duct) be required when placing (2) 1.25in ducts under railroads?
Response #7 – Yes
Question #6 – Do you have a copy of the KMZ file you can share for this RFP? If not, can you share how much is planned for boring vs trenching vs hand dug?
Response #6 – The KMZ (Attachment L) can be downloaded at the same location as the RFP documents at www.mcnc.org. The BOMs listed in the plans for each route show estimated bore vs plow vs install strand detail.
Question #5 – Could you provide a list of all materials that MCNC will provide?
Response #5 – MCNC will provide 100% of the following:
- Conduit
- Fiber
- Handholds
- Test Stations
- Marker Posts
- Conduit Plugs
- Couplers
- Splice Closures
- Slice Trays
- Splice Sleeves
Question #4a – Can we request for an extension for the bid due date to give adequate time for a quality proposal?
Response #4a -Unfortunately, we are unable to alter the due dates.
Question #4b – Is there a .KMZ available for all segments?
Response #4b – A general route KMZ will be uploaded to the MCNC website today, March 11, 2024.
Question #4c – Do all segments need to be bid or can we bid individual segments?
Response #4c – Bidders are not obligated to bid on all segments.
Question #4d – Who is responsible for the installation of handholes? Per the prints MCNC is to install.
Response #4d – Contractors awarded will be accountable for all facets of conduit, fiber, and handhold installation.
Question #4e – Must all segments start at the same time per the RFP?
Response #4e – Yes
Question #4f – Who is responsible for permits?
Response #4f – MCNC will procure all necessary permits for the HERO project.
Question #3 – Is the level of the Performance and Payment Bonds known for the segments?
Response #3 – The exact amount is not currently known. However, you can perform a high-level estimate by using the formula below.
100% of the contract sum based on the following presumed calculation:
_____segment: ______ assumed miles * ____ ft/mile * $_______per foot = $ ___
Also, please note that NCDOT bond requirements are unknown at this time; however, “past experience” suggests the bond will be around $50k. Ultimately, whatever NCDOT mandates will be required.
Question #2 – Where is Attachment F?
Response #2 – Attachment F – Segment Descriptions and Maps are part of the actual RFP and not provided as separate Attachments. There is an Attachment F for each route / segment.
Question #1 – I’m wondering if I can just bid on the splicing. If so, do I still need to carry the insurance requirements and do I still need a NC contractors license? Splicing is in a weird category so I’ve never needed heavy insurance or license.
Response #1 – No. MCNC is not accepting bids with just splicing. Splicing must be included as a component within each segment’s comprehensive proposal and should adhere to all insurance and contractor licensing prerequisites.