MCNC DDoS Protection

DDoS Auto-Mitigation

When Auto-Mitigation is enabled and a DDoS attack is detected, the impacted traffic flow will be directed into one of MCNC’s DDoS scrubbing centers automatically, allowing attack mitigation to begin within a few seconds of attack detection. Once the attack has subsided, traffic flow will automatically return to its normal path on the network.

Client Enrollment Agreement and Data Collection

When a DDoS attack is detected and Auto-Mitigation is activated to mitigate the attack, MCNC will alert your organization that attack mitigation has been enabled.

Your permission to use MCNC’s Enhanced DDoS Protection capabilities on future attacks will allow MCNC engineers to respond more rapidly to any detected attack activity targeting your external IP addresses, and begin attempting to mitigate the attack(s).

Please note that it is still possible for some attacks to end on their own before MCNC is able to implement any countermeasures under this auto-mitigation process.

In all cases, mitigation of DDoS attacks is a best effort service and is not guaranteed to be 100% effective. There is always a chance that legitimate traffic may be adversely affected in the process of screening out damaging and malicious traffic, and MCNC will take all due care to provide the best result possible.

MCNC’s Enhanced DDoS Protection services are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. MCNC makes no warranty, express or implied including but not limited, to any warranties either in fact or by operation of law or otherwise, including warranties of title, non-infringement, merchant-ability, or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the DDoS services or the results to be obtained from its use. While MCNC’s Enhanced DDoS Protection service provides a significantly improved capability to protect against the negative effects of DDoS attacks, it is still possible that you may face a DDoS attack that MCNC cannot easily mitigate. MCNC’s Enhanced DDoS Protection and all MCNC DDoS mitigation efforts are provided as a “best effort” service and are not guaranteed to be error-free, uninterrupted, secure or that malicious traffic will not reach an endpoint. It is also possible that DDoS mitigation efforts may adversely impact legitimate network traffic.

To enroll in MCNC’s DDoS Auto-Mitigation Service you must agree to these terms which will be part of the enrollment form below.

For more information, please see the DDoS Auto-Mitigation – FAQ. 

If you have any questions about MCNC’s Enhanced DDoS Protection service, please

Experts Ready to Help

MCNC's security consultants are available to assist with your cybersecurity needs.

Security Advisory Consulting
PO Box 12889
3021 East Cornwallis Road
RTP, NC 27709-2889
919-248-1900 Phone | 919-248-1101 Fax
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